Othello character
Othello character

Othello Character has one of the greatest traits or Characteristics that he also acquires a rare calm. She says she loved me when I was in danger, and I loved her what she pity them. Desdemona and Othello looks a pair of romantic love looking each other. He was always trying to impress the girls by his own acts, courage and determination. Even the story of his love has something romantic about it. He loved his wife so much than other pair of lovers in the World. Othello is the most romantic and poetic of Shakespeare’s heroes and that is one the Traits or Characteristics of the Othello character. His heart was broken and quickly decided he would kill his wife and says When Iago stores his emotions by directly pointing out that his wife abolish relationship with Cassio. He does not wait to his idea into action. His strength is physical rather than intelligence.

othello character

He is not only Simple-hearted but also Simple minded person. He is an example of those persons, who would be described as simple-minded and cannot understand or grasp and who is lacking in inside. But his anxious and simplicity becomes the creator of his misfortune. He is very simple man and always believed his friend Whatever Iago purrs into his ears and he can’t sees his thoughts of villainies. Who he ? I think When he was born The Sun drew all his humor on him. When her best friend asked her, is Othello anxious ? She said She also bears affiant to Othello’s simplicity and good nature. He married to a beautiful and innocent lady Desdemona. He took part in various wars and lived in Camps. Othello character has Traits or Characteristics: Very above surface of Othello’s character shows us his utmost bravery his courageous personality, his powerful attitude and above all his being good towards all the people around him but a little deeper, we go we find in him an extreme sense of insecurity, lack of trust in his love a very quick temper for his ears to be poisoned by anyone which is an ultimate and indispensable cause downfall of him. Othello character has Traits or Characteristics So Iago made a plan to revenge from Othello. So he started hates Othello and similarly Iago says he hates Othello too, who recently passed him over for the position of lieutenant in favor of the inexperienced soldier Michael Cassio. But Roderigo has just learned that Desdemona has married Othello. Rederigo has been paying Iago to help him in his suit to Desdemona. Othello begins on a street in Venice, in the midst of an argument between Roderigo, Rich man and Iago. No other characters in Shakespeare’s plays are so simple and generous than Othello’s character.

othello character

He is admired for his nobility, straight forwardness, boundless, confidence and simplicity. Othello character has traits or Characteristics which are admirable. Othello is one of the most admired characters in all Shakespeare’s plays.

othello character

Othello _ A Christian Moor who has earned a high reputation as a general in the Venetian army and recently married Desdemona.

Othello character